
Vegetable-grain chicken Legs

They are frozen and vacuum sealed individually. The box contains between 10 and 12 legs for a total of 3.3 kilos. The food of our chickens is composed exclusively of vegetable grain. This is what gives their flesh a high protein content. Chicken from Ferme des Voltigeurs is a firmer chicken that does not reduce when cooked and therefore offers exceptional value for money.


38.75 $ CAD 32.80 $ CAD

3.3 kilos


Vegetable-grain chicken Legs



Aliments du Québec

Valeurs nutritives

75 g % valeur
Énergie 119g
Protéines (g) 25
Glucides (g) 0
Gras saturés (g) 0.4
Gras monoinsaturés (g) 0.5
Cholestérol (mg) 64
Fer 3%
Sodium 2%
Vitamine B6 25%
Niacine (B3) 41%
Vitamine B12 13%
Riboflavine (B2) 5%
Pantothénate (B5) 10%
Thiamine (B1) 4%
Folates (ÉFA) 1%
Phosphore 15%
Zinc 10%
Potassium 9%
Magnésium 9%
Vitamine D 4%
Vitamine E 2%
Vitamine A (ÉAR) 1%